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Fertilizer rules & regulations take effect in most SWFL communities next week

FORT MYERS, Fla. — In an attempt to curb negative effects on water quality, many communities in Southwest Florida will be settling into fertilizer bans or restrictions next week.

A lot of fertilizers contain nitrogen and phosphorus which are elements that helps toxic algae grow.

When grass clippings covered in the fertilizers or rain water contaminated with the elements runoff into canals, blooms can form.

In a previous interview with NBC2, the Lee County Natural Resources Manager said that clean water is everyone’s responsibility.

“What we can control in our own yards and our own activity is important for us to do,” Kurt Harclerode said.

Most restrictions run from June 1 to September 30, but other municipalities follow a different schedule. For example, Sanibel’s ordinance begins on July 1.

In Collier County, there aren’t any restrictions. The county chooses to enforce the use of “friendly fertilizer” practices:

  • No fertilizer can be applied if the soil is saturated, before a heavy rainstorm, or during a flood/tropical storm watch/warning.
  • Nitrogen applications can be no less than 50% slow release.
  • Phosphorus applications are not permitted unless a test by the University of Florida/Institute of Food and Agricultural Services determines there is a deficiency in the soil.

LEE COUNTY – http://dontfeedthemonster.info/
COLLIER COUNTY – https://www.colliercountyfl.gov/your-government/divisions-s-z/zoning-division/watershed-management-plans/collier-county-florida-friendly-fertilizer-ordinance
CHARLOTTE COUNTY – https://www.charlottecountyfl.gov/news/county-fertilizer-ban-begins-june-1.stml
DESOTO COUNTY – https://library.municode.com/search?stateId=9&clientId=5684&searchText=FERTILIZER&contentTypeId=CODES
GLADES COUNTY – https://www.myglades.com/water_quality/index.php
HENDRY COUNTY – https://library.municode.com/fl/hendry_county/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=PTICOOR_CH1-8.7EN
TOWN OF FORT MYERS BEACHhttp://www.fmbgov.com/1060/Fertilizer-Information
CAPE CORALhttps://www.capecoral.net/newdetail_T3_R268.php
CITY OF PUNTA GORDAhttps://www.ci.punta-gorda.fl.us/residents/landscape/fertilizer-regulations#:~:text=On%20June%206%2C%202012%20the,phosphorus%20within%20the%20city%20limits.&text=no%20fertilizer%20containing%20nitrogen%20and,June%201st%20through%20September%2030th).
CITY OF NAPLEShttps://www.naplesgov.com/fertilizer
CITY OF MARCO ISLANDhttps://www.cityofmarcoisland.com/growth-management/page/fertilizer-ordinance
SANIBEL – https://www.mysanibel.com/Departments/Natural-Resources/Protecting-Our-Water-Quality/Sanibel-H2O-Matters/Sanibel-s-Fertilizer-Information/Sanibel-Fertilizer-Ordinance

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